The device does not indicate when the battery is fully charged. One hour of charging is sufficient.

While using Pulsetto, you should experience a mild tickling sensation. If you are unable to feel it, please consider the following:

  1. Ensure that you have applied enough Pulsetto gel to the area where you can feel your pulse.
  2. Increase the intensity of the program you have selected.

Depending on the state of your nervous system, it may take up to a few months of consistent use to begin feeling the sensation and seeing results. It's important to note that some users may not feel the tickling sensation but still experience positive outcomes, such as improved sleep, increased calmness, or reduced pain. We recommend using Pulsetto consistently for one to two weeks to ensure you don't observe any results. If you are dealing with a specific condition, consult with your doctor to understand how your body should react to Vagus Nerve Stimulation.

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